Wednesday 23 March 2022

Hello, Good evening, and Welcome.

Welcome to Vintage Minis and Campaigns. This is the companion blog to my MeWe group of the same name. Some of the content here will be reflected on MeWe but by no means all. I hope to use the blog occasionally to be a little more expansive than the usual social media posts.
If you've come here looking for iconic British motorcars, then your google-fu has let you down. Here, I'm going to discuss old wargaming figures and miniature collecting, some history, what is still out there for contemporary buyers to get hold of and also to mention some of the campaigns that these ancient and noble little lead men faught in. I've roughly put a timescale of 1880 to 1980 for myself here. But I could easily stray off this occasionally. 
I hope to build up a significant resource list (or lists) as time goes on, in the hope that this site can be helpful to others who enjoy the delights of these old miniatures.

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A question of Pose.

 Looking at some of figures put out by manufacturers during and just after the Second World War I noticed that a reasonably high proportion ...